Outside the school rio visits nina.""Nina!"" rio said.""What are you doing here? I told you to say at home!"" nina said.""anyway you have to transform I don't want people seeing me taking to a cat.""nina said(at least I think that's what she said). Nina hides rio and tells him to transform. But unexpectedly tsujiai showed up seeing rio trasform.""WOW! so what I saw was real! the one where we went to the game.""tsujiai said.""Umm!... tsujiai that was....."" nina was trying to say.""Nina, even if it was real I wouldn't tell anyone"" tsujiai said. "" ok....""nina was saying. Nina told tsujiai everything. When ayu was looking for nina.""NINA!""ayu shouted. when she saw nina. she saw rio transform in front of tsujiai.""N.. I.. N.. A! NINA!"" ayu was trying to say.""Oh ayu you're here.""nina said. then ayu pulled nina."" Nina tsujiai is... saw...""ayu was trying to say.""Oh! its ok ayu I told him everything.""nina said."" You told him that you're a witch,that you're from the magic kingdom and everything else.""ayu said.""Yup!