Episode aired Online on Nickelodeon (US) Both the Winx and the Trix must fight against the zombie pirates that inhabit the pirate ship within the Legendarium. If the Winx do not make it out of the Legendarium in time, they can be stuck in the book forever. Eldora comes and warns the Winx about this fact and Icy overhears and the Trix leave. The pirates are still putting up a fight with the Winx. Bloom sneaks off and finds the emerald. The Winx leave just in time and meet back up with Daphne and the guys. The Trix scold Selina about the fact about becoming stories if they stay in the book too long. She covers herself by saying she had no clue and the Winx could be trapped. They look and of course the Winx are not trapped. So Selina sends the Occulta back to get the Winx. After a long fight against the zombies, Bloom transforms the island people into fairies and they blast the ship. The pirates retreat, leaving the island alone and go back into the legendarium world. The Winx enjoy the victory while the Trix swear the next time they enter, they won't be so lucky.