Furor Faust, spurting Hitler-like slogans, plans to attack Japoness. Meanwhile, Otaru, Hanagotta and Lime take a tour of the national museum in Castle Japoness. When Lime accidentally breaks a national treasure, Imperial Guards race after the trio. Otaru sacrifices Hanagata to the mob in order to escape with Lime, but they end up in a secret room that houses the Shogun, Japoness' leader. Just as the Shogun starts to enjoy their company, and alludes to knowing more about Lime's origin, one of Faust's Saberdolls, Panther, disobeys Faust's orders and appears to eliminate the Shogun. Lime battles with Panther, but both are on equal footing and are getting nowhere. In the melee, Otaru accidentally awakens another special marionette, Cherry. With Cherry's help, they defeat Panther, who returns to an angry Faust and is punished for disobedience. Otaru, now with two devoted and human-like marionettes, walks home.