The central character in the show is Stephanie Harper, a rich heiress after her father passes away. As the series starts she has been divorced twice and is marrying Greg Marsden a champion tennis player several years her junior. Everyone except Stephanie can see that he is no good. He has been having an affair with Stephanie's best friend, Jilly Stewart. Whilst on their honeymoon at her family home Eden, Greg pushes Stephanie into a crocodile infested river. Everyone thinks she has perished but luckily she has escaped and is given a new body, face and name by plastic surgeon Dr Dan Marshall. She returns to Sydney as a changed woman, Tara Welles, where she becomes a model and entices Greg into falling in love with her. They return to Eden where Jilly follows them. Stephanie hatches an elaborate plan and confronts the two of them. Greg shoots the aboriginal help working for them whilst Stephanie and Jilly save Eden from burning down by putting out a fire with the curtains. Greg then tr