Bianca tells Adam she feels it's her fault with what happened to Miranda last night. Celia tells Brooke the flowers are from Pete Cortlandt. Zach and Jesse keep searching for clues to Cassandra's whereabouts. Miranda apologizes to Bianca for the things she said to her, and says she doesn't want to go back to that school. Adam tells an irate A. J. that he's been suspended from school for what he did to Hunter. J. R. opens his eyes slightly, but Dixie misses it as Joe comes in the room wishing Tad wasn't out on an assignment. Celia overhears Peter talking with Dylan, but storms out before hearing the whole story. Dixie tells Adam that David was in J. R.'s room, the reason for extra security. Yuri apologizes to Cassandra for Vlad's abuse and it won't happen again.