Charlie's little advice to Itchy ""Be a phoney to impress a phoney"" and ""Show dogs never itch in public"" makes Bess' reunion turn to disaster. Itchy, hiding the fact that he was a street dog, escorts Bess to her dog school reunion. All the dogs attending were high-horsed snobs, especially the Afghan Hound Tiffany. When she put down Bess, Charlie convinced Itchy for revenge. Prank after prank, nothing was resolved but a big mess for the spaniel to clean up. After Tiffany secretly put fleas on Itchy, the beam she was standing on was collapsing. With the other dogs not willing to help, it was Itchy to the rescue. After he got her down, the Afghan admited she was wrong, and appologised to Itchy and Bess. No RECAP yet