Эпизод "Rockstarmageddon, 2002". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever


Lenny Kravitz vs Jimi Hendrix Shaggy vs Bob Marley Dave Matthews vs Keith Richards 1. Lenny Kravitz vs Jimi Hendrix Using the time machine, Stone Cold Steve Austin brings back Jimi Hendrix. Hendrix claims that Kravitz ripped him off and starts beating him up. Hendrix rips off Kravitz's sunglasses, to reveal his big bug eyes. He runs out of the ring and climbs the lighting rig, and pours sulphuric acid onto Hendrix's head. Then he climbs down and pours vomiting medicine down Hendrix' throat. Hendrix replies by vomiting down Kravitz's throat, then he throws him against the ropes, Kravitz bounces back and Hendrix smashes his throat to pieces. 2. Shaggy vs Bob Marley The time machine is used to bring back Bob Marley. Bob Marley too claims to be ripped off by Shaggy. They fight for a while and Marley grabs one of the turnbuckles and starts impaling Shaggy with it, and starts asking Shaggy about who the best reggae singer was, Shaggy replies by naming a lot of artists, this p