Аиша Исса: фильмография, фото, биография

Аиша Исса

Ayisha Issa

Ayisha Issa is a bilingual actress born and raised in Montreal Canada. After being discovered for a role as a priestess in "Immortals", Ayisha decided to pursue a career in film and television that allowed her to put her athleticism and background in martial arts to use. In addition to her work in the entertainment industry, Ayisha trains and competes in Brazilian Jiujitsu, regularly engages in various projects related to youth at risk and is one of the newer speakers working with the Bruny Surin Foundation throughout the province of

Аиша Исса на КиноПоиске
2020 Transplant
June Curtis
2019 Полярный
2018 Операция «Колибри»
Ophelia Troller
2014 13-й район: Кирпичные особняки фильм
2013 Бетти и Коретта фильм
2011 Война Богов: Бессмертные фильм
2010 Наживка фильм