Алан Грант: фильмография, фото, биография

Алан Грант

Alan Grant

Дата рождения 01.01.1949

Alan Grant (born 1949) is a Scottish comic book writer known for writing Judge Dredd in 2000 AD as well as various Batman titles from the late 1980s to the early 2000s. He is the creator of the characters Anarky, Victor Zsasz, and the Ventriloquist. Most famous for his work on 2000AD and the Megazine (1979–2008): Durham Red, Judge Dredd, Sam Slade: Robo-Hunter, Samantha Slade: Robo Hunter, Strontium Dog, and Anderson, PSI. While at DC (1987–2003) he also scripted Lobo and Demon. Grant first entered the comics industry in 1967 when he

Алан Грант на КиноПоиске
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