Джош Кури: фильмография, фото, биография

Джош Кури

Josh Koury

Дата рождения 01.01.1977

Josh Koury is an award-winning filmmaker and producer with 20 years of filmmaking experience. Most recently, he served on the directorial team of the six-part HBO series "I’ll Be Gone in the Dark" (airing July 2020) exploring Michelle McNamara’s investigation into the world of the Golden State Killer. Koury co-directed "Voyeur" (2017), a Netflix Original Documentary following famed author Gay Talese as he unravels the story of Gerald Foos, a motel owner who owned and operated a motel for the express purpose of spying on his guests. A

Джош Кури на КиноПоиске
2020 Я исчезну во тьме
сопродюсер (6 эпизодов, 2020)