Ганс Рихтер: фильмография, фото, биография

Ганс Рихтер

Hans Richter

Дата рождения 06.04.1888
Дата смерти 01.02.1976

Richter's first contacts with modern art were in 1912 through the "Blaue Reiter" and in 1913 through the "Erster Deutscher Herbstsalon" gallery "Der Strum", in Berlin. In 1914 he was influenced by cubism. He contributed to the periodical Die Aktion in Berlin. His first exhibition was in Munich in 1916, and Die Aktion published as a special edition about him. In the same year he was wounded and discharged from the army and went to Zürich and joined the Dada movement. Richter believed that the artist's duty was to be actively political

Ганс Рихтер на КиноПоиске
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