Originally from Boston, Kati finds her home in Los Angeles where she practices yoga and continues to root for the New England Patriots. After singing Disney songs over and over on the fireplace mantle at the ripe age of 3, it was inevitable to Kati's family that she was born to be a performer. She was introduced to both dance and figure skating (thanks mom and dad) where she continued to compete in national and world competitions for the following 12 years. Upon entering middle school, Kati quickly realized she wanted to get involve
2019 | Тайная одержимость | фильм |
2018 | HollySpaces | сериал |
2018 | Long Lost Daughter | фильм |
2017 | The Polka King | фильм |
2016 | His Double Life | фильм |
2016 | Theory of Conflict | фильм |
2015 | The Spirit of Christmas | фильм |
2014 | Five O'Clock Comes Early | фильм |
2013 | Provoked | фильм |
2013 | Дом через дорогу | фильм |
Знакомый вам Дьявол | сериал |