Hettie MacDonald is an English film, theatre and television director who won a Grand Prix award, an International Jury Award - Honorable Mention and a People's Choice Award for her work on the film Beautiful Thing. MacDonald is known as the director of "Blink", the Hugo Award-winning 2007 episode of the Doctor Who series. The episode is widely regarded as the best episode of the series since its 2005 revival. In 2009, SFX named the episode's climax as the scariest moment in Doctor Who's history, citing its "perfect direction". She ha
2020 | Нормальные люди | сериал |
2017 | Говардс-Энд | сериал |
2015 | Фортитьюд | сериал |
2013 | Туннель | сериал |
2013 | Распутье | сериал |
2008 | Каратель | фильм |
2008 | Мисс Марпл: Убийство - это легко! | фильм |
2008 | Валландер | сериал |
2006 | Положительный банкет Банглатауна | фильм |
2006 | Льюис | сериал |
2004 | Мисс Марпл Агаты Кристи | сериал |
2003 | Слуги | сериал |
1996 | Красота | фильм |
1989 | Пуаро Агаты Кристи | сериал |