Луи Шедид: фильмография, фото, биография

Луи Шедид

Louis Chedid

Дата рождения 01.01.1948

Louis Chedid is the son of the writer Andrée Chedid and the father of Matthieu Chedid (better known as -M-). As a child he made his first footsteps into the singing world as a member of the "Manécanterie des Petits Chanteurs à la Croix de Bois", a famous French catholic boys choir. Chedid was a fan of the jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt and decided that he would set forth into a career in the world of music as soon as he left school. After his first album "Balbutiements" (Mumblings – 1973) attracted little attention, his talent

Луи Шедид на КиноПоиске
2006 Розовый солдат фильм
1980 Émilie jolie фильм