Луис Волхайм: фильмография, фото, биография

Луис Волхайм

Louis Wolheim

Дата рождения 28.03.1880
Дата смерти 18.02.1931

It was Lionel Barrymore who gave Louis Wolheim (Cornell '07) his start as an actor. Wolheim had had his face more or less smashed in and his nose nicely fractured while playing on a scrub Cornell football team. Later as a Cornell Instructor he found life none too easy. He had worked off and on as an extra in the Wharton studio but never received much attention. Barrymore had only to look at him once to realize that Wolheim's face was his fortune. Through Barrymore, Wolheim gained an entree into New York theatrical life. On the legitim

Луис Волхайм на КиноПоиске
1930 На Западном фронте без перемен фильм
1929 Осужденные
Jacques Duval
1928 Пробуждение
Le Bete
1928 Рэкет фильм
1928 Буря
Sgt. Bulba
1927 Два аравийских рыцаря фильм