Мехмет Есен: фильмография, фото, биография

Мехмет Есен

Mehmet Esen

Дата рождения 01.01.1958

Born in 1958, Mehmet Esen left school early, ran away from home and took refuge in the theatre, where he began acting. Without work after the political turbulence of the early 1980s, he contrived a living touring cafés with a stand-up act, much in the style of an Ottoman public storyteller. He has continued his performances successfully to the present day, now on a grander scale and with several tours of Turkey, Germany and Austria. It was again in the early 1980s that he started acting for the screen, working with the top Turkish dir

2013 20 минут сериал
2011 Лунное затмение сериал
2010 Нене Хатун фильм
1987 Katircilar фильм
1981 Kirik bir ask hikayesi фильм