Милтон Джонс: фильмография, фото, биография

Милтон Джонс

Milton Johns

Дата рождения 13.05.1938

Milton Johns (born 13 May 1938) is an English actor whose thin features and talent for obsequious or oily characters has often influenced the many television parts he has received. He trained at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. Johns was born in Bristol, Gloucestershire. He was in Coronation Street as Brendan Scott (1991–93), the shopkeeper who died of a heart attack while pedalling along the eponymous cobbled street. Other roles have included parts in Poldark, Born and Bred, Ever Decreasing Circles, Home to Roost, Dempsey and Mak

Милтон Джонс на КиноПоиске
2015 Doctor Who the Time War
Castellan Kelner
2002 Making a Killing фильм
2000 Тайна фильм
1994 Дракон фильм
1985 Записки Пиквикского клуба сериал
1982 Ремингтон Стил
Roderick Smithers
1980 Оппенгеймер
George Kistiakowsky
1969 Первые Черчилли
1969 The Friendly Persuaders фильм
1969 Театр субботнего вечера на ITV
Bedlam Keeper