Орландо Любберт: фильмография, фото, биография

Орландо Любберт

Orlando Lübbert

Дата рождения 01.12.1945

Screenwriter and Film Director. He started in film as assistant to Chilean director Patricio Guzmán. In 1972 he began writing and directing the feature documentary "Los Puños Frente al Cañón". In 1974 he went into exile in Mexico and settled in West Berlin, where he lived until 1995. There he spent most of his professional career, where, in addition to teaching, he wrote screenplays, specialized in film dramaturgy and made documentaries for German television. In 1986 he was selected for the first Berlin screenplay workshop with the

Орландо Любберт на КиноПоиске
2013 Cirqo фильм
2001 Такси для троих фильм
2013 Cirqo фильм
1996 Irren ist männlich фильм