Р. Маркос Тейлор: фильмография, фото, биография

Р. Маркос Тейлор

R. Marcos Taylor

At five years old, all Marcus wanted to become was Superman. When he realized that couldn't happen, he decided taking Karate lessons was the next best thing. Marcus went on to earn a black belt in Karate, but along the way he began developing a love for various martial art forms. In addition to Karate, Marcus began intensive training in: Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Capoeira, and Hapkido, and has more than twenty years of training in these forms. Marcus holds the rank of Kru in Muay Thai. Marcus also trains in several other martial art forms

Р. Маркос Тейлор на КиноПоиске
2019 Slayer: The Repentless Killogy
2019 Девушка-невидимка
2018 Ярость Кулака и Золотой Флис
Customer Surveyor
2018 Paying Mr. McGetty фильм
2018 Шаг вперед: Прилив
2017 Парк Сансет фильм
2017 Малыш на драйве фильм
2016 Wild for the Night фильм
2015 Голос улиц фильм