Робинсон Билл: фильмография, фото, биография

Робинсон Билл

Bill Robinson

Дата рождения 25.05.1878
Дата смерти 25.11.1949

According to one jazz dance source, Bill 'Bojangles' Robinson was the chief instigator for getting tap dance "up on its toes." Early forms of tap, including the familiar "buck and wing", contained a flat-footed style, while Robinson performed on the balls of his feet with a shuffle-tap style that allowed him more improvisation. It obviously got him noticed and it certainly made him a legend. Born Luther Robinson in Richmond, Virginia, on May 25, 1878, he was orphaned in infancy and reared by a grandmother. He took his brother Bill's

Робинсон Билл на КиноПоиске
1948 Шоу Милтона Берла
играет самого себя - танцор
1935 Маленькая бунтарка фильм
1935 Большое радиовещание в 1936 году