Шерон Магуайр: фильмография, фото, биография

Шерон Магуайр

Sharon Maguire

Дата рождения 28.11.1960

​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Sharon Maguire (born 1960) made her name as a film director when she landed the job of directing Bridget Jones's Diary. The film was based on the book by her close friend Helen Fielding, and one of the main characters - Shazzer - is actually based on Maguire. Raised as a Roman Catholic, Maguire studied English and Drama at the University of Wales Aberystwyth from 1979–1983 and graduated with a 2:2 degree before going on to do the PGCE teaching qualification. She's quoted as saying: "It alway

Шерон Магуайр на КиноПоиске
2008 Провокатор фильм