Тамара Дондурей: фильмография, фото, биография

Тамара Дондурей

Tamara Dondurey

An art critic and director, Tamara Dondurey graduated from the art history department of Moscow State University’s history faculty. She has been published in Iskusstvo Kino, Expert, Empire, Artkhronika, and Vokrug Sveta, among others. In 2013 she graduated from Marina Razbezhkina and Mikhail Ugarov’s School of Documentary Film and Theatre. Her graduation project, the documentary film Day 21, was shown in the main competition at the open Russian film festival Kinotavr and participated in many other Russian and international festivals.

Тамара Дондурей на КиноПоиске
Тамара Дондурей на КиноПоиске
2022 Рядом фильм
2014 21 день фильм
2022 Рядом фильм