Тоня Ли Уильямс: фильмография, фото, биография

Тоня Ли Уильямс

Tonya Lee Williams

Дата рождения 12.07.1958

Born in London, UK, she is an only child of Lloyd G. Williams a now deceased Supreme Court Justice of the British Virgin Islands and St. Kitts, and Korah H. Williams a retired Registered Nurse. Both Tonya's parents are Jamaican, but met in the UK at University and married there. When Tonya was 1 1/2 years old, she and her parents moved to Kingston, Jamaica where her father set up practice. At the age of 4 1/2 while in Jamaica she contracted Rheumatic Fever and was hospitalized for 6 months. Shortly after that her parents divorc

Тоня Ли Уильямс на КиноПоиске
2004 Kink in My Hair фильм
2004 Kink in My Hair фильм
2016 LAPD African Cops фильм
2013 Империя грязи фильм
2013 Судебное обвинение Кейси Энтони фильм
2012 Кибергеддон сериал
2010 Двойная свадьба фильм
2007 Матч бедняка фильм
2005 A Perfect ote фильм
2000 Семнадцать опять фильм
1996 Пси Фактор: Хроники паранормальных явлений
Carole Sanderson
1990 Piece of Cake фильм
1986 Мэтлок
Dana Williams