Жюльен Мори: фильмография, фото, биография

Жюльен Мори

Julien Maury

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo are French filmmakers. The two are known for working on their projects together, with both men co-directing and Bustillo writing the script. They list their influences as Dario Argento, Roman Polanski, Clive Barker and John Carpenter. Their first film was Inside, a controversial horror film about a pregnant woman stalked by a madwoman who wants her child for herself. The film was cited as an example of the new wave of French horror films and was a critical suc

Жюльен Мори на КиноПоиске
2017 Friction Burn фильм
2016 With Love From... Suffolk фильм
2015 Берсеркеры фильм
2009 Viande d'origine française фильм